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Ice Cream Man

As previously mentioned, my Dad came home from Germany a few days ago.  We decided to have a family dinner/get-together to celebrate.  Just as we were finishing up eating, and making our way to the living room.  All of a sudden, I heard Colby yell, "Ice Cream Man!" in a pitch that grown men shouldn't be able to reach.  Before anyone could respond, he had run out the front door. 

I must have been the only one who understood the importance of his message, because I quickly took off after him.  By the time I had reached the driveway, he was halfway up the street, yelling, and trying to flag down the truck driver over the music.  I half suspect the driver actually did see him in his side-rear-view mirrors and continued driving just to have a good laugh at the 26 year old man chasing down his truck, rather than a bunch of 10 year olds.

By the time I caught up, I could hardly breath for the sake of laughing!  Standing at the window, Colby was shouting out the name of almost every picture on the side panel of the truck.  "Oh I want one of those too!" I'd chime in. 

I started to feel a little foolish, but was completely validated when I saw our neighbor, Phil, and his mom walking towards us, with his wife, Raime close behind.  Ramie stated that she was cooking dinner, and Phil and his mom were in the garage.  She got so excited when she heard the music, that they decided they needed a cold treat;  the sight of Colby sprinting past their house yelling at the truck to stop was the last push they needed!

When Colby finished ordering, Phil had guessed our bill was close to $25.00.  I'm not sure the final total, I let Colby pay.   We walked back to the house, and enjoyed our treats.  Thanks Colb!

Me, Ev, & BF with our Popsicles.  Hooray for blurry iPhone pics!

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