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Weird. **


6 Day Weekend

What's the best cure for a Case of The Mondays???

A Weekend!

Mine began at 3:30 this afternoon!

How did I get so lucky?

Well...I'm not working this week


Because of our fabulous Veterans, I don't have school Wednesday...

Lucky me

To kick it off my 6 Day Weekend I:

~Watched Emma

~Gave myself a mani-pedi

~Read the new Galmour cover-2-cover

I hope everyone who isn't as lucky still has a great week!

PS. In the next day or so I will have the best post ever, with a Give-A-Way Contest that I'm pretty excited about... So keep checking back.

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1 comment:

  1. LUCKY!!!! I'm jealous....a long weekend would be nice...then I could go to disneyland ha ha So you've inspired me to start coupon-ing...I've saved the mail stuff for the alst few days...now I've just got ot figure out how to do this ha ha thanks for the inspiration...i'll let you know how it works out


I love comments, so tell me what you think!