Lately my fingernails have been getting really long. {I heard once that hair and nails grow faster in warm weather.} However, with the fantastic length, comes major breakage. Unfortunately for me, my nails always seem to break all the way down, right at the base! Recently, I found a YouTube video with a trick on how to fix this problem.
I've been trying it now for over a month, and I have to say, I'm sold! It's called the "Tea Bag Method" and is super easy to do, and can be done with items you may already have.
- Start with clean, dry nails. Go ahead and file/shape your nails, and remove the cuticles.
- Take a single tea bag, and remove any tea leaves. Then cut a small square out of the bag using any household scissors.
- Using a base coat nail polish, apply a dot over the crack in your fingernail, and then cover one side of the tea bag square as well.
- Place the tea bag- polished side down over the crack- and smooth out using a small nail tool. For added strength, wrap a small edge of the tea bag around the edge of your nail and again smooth out. To secure this edge, apply more base coat to the underside of your nail.
- Let dry, and the apply base coat to the rest of your nail.
Tada! If you choose to just wear clear top coat, you can barely see the tea bag {it was almost invisibl on 2 of my 3 cracks}, however, once you paint your nails, you won't even notice it's there! I'm not sure how long the tea bags will hold up because I've been changeing my polish & tea bags about once a week for the last 3 weeks. It only takes a few extra minutes of "Manicure time" but it is SO TOTALLY worth it!
I have seen this done with a tissue as well! I have yet to try it...I feel like I would screw it all up! LOL