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When all the world is green

Oh what do you do in the summertime
When all the world is green?
Do you fish in the stream,
Or lazily dream
 On the banks as the clouds roll by?
Is that what you do?
So do I

Ahh, summertime! I can not get enough.  I love the song above, my mom taught it to us when we were very little, and singing it has always brought back wonderful memories of childhood.

I often wish I lived in a place where it summer all year round!  Today I'm feeling especially summery  I've got a braid in my hair {braids are driving me crazy- in a good way- right now}, shorts and bare feet!  My outfit even reminds me of the grass and sky.  To top everything off, I'm sporting some green and peach eyeshadow {inspired by grass and sunshine!} 

The only things that would make today better would be a "swimmin-suit-nap" and a Big Stick popsicle!

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  1. I did order the shadows, such a good price. How do you do a braid like that? I am in a braid craze these days too, mostly french.

  2. It's called a "Fishtail" braid, and it was my very first, very sad attempt at it! You can find instructions on YouTube, but I got it from this video:


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