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Weird. **


When the Cat's Away...

Colby asked me if I would take some pictures of him today. He said he only has pictures of him in jeans & t-shirts, and would just like a nice photo of him in something dressy. Of course I did, and then did a little editing. What a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon... And isn't he a handsome brother?!?

This weekend, both of our parents are out of town, so we decided to go out to dinner.... (Shh don't tell bishop) We decided to eat at Cheesecake Factory. All of the boys tossed coins to see what they would order... Heads was "their usual" and tails was to try something different. Evan got heads and ordered his Pasta di Vinci. Griffin got heads, but decided to go with something new, Jambalaya, because he's been craving it all day. Colby ordered a new dish, Jamaican chicken and shrimp, and I got my usual Chicken Madeira. Once our food came out, Colby and I traded. Yum! We then of course got cheesecake, and asked a restaurant employee to take a photo. It took him a few tries to get the hang of my camera:

Not quite


3rd time's a charm!

As we were walking out to the car, I had a thought, "What a nice looking family." Then, I caught a glimpse of Evan's outfit.... T-shirt & jeans, nothing unusual there... But then I noticed, Brown church socks w/ bright orange "Jagermeister" pool sandals!!! Seriously??? (And where did this nice LDS/RM get alcohol inspired clothing?) He was a LITTLE embarrassed once we pointed it out... hahaha.

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