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Weird. **


What Not to Wear

It's been a long day... I started summer school this morning, and I'm so excited. I took a little break from school so that I could decide what I REALLY want to do without wasting anymore time or money.

I finally made a decision, and now I'm back, in full swing with hopes of graduating in the Spring. FINALLY!

Anyway, once I got home, I decided it was time to unpack and do laundry from my cruise. After all, it's been a week since I got back! After I completed my laundry, I had a STACK of clothes on my bed, and I was trying to decide where I could put them.

My BF suggested in my closet.

So, I opened my closet, and showed him that there was literally no room.

He then suggested in my dresser drawers.

Again I opened each drawer, no room.

I even pulled out the giant tupperwares under my bed, but they were full of winter clothes.

He suggested I be "generous", and donate some stuff to goodwill.

After explaining that I just donated 4 garbage bags of stuff in April, he said, "so, be "more generous" and do it again".
So we went through some stuff, and he helped me decide what to get rid of.

Apparently I am "too old" to be wearing these.... Lame

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