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Weird. **


Mystery? More like bad joke.

Lately I've been working a lot! The other night I came home and was channel surfing, trying to find something to watch so I could unwind before bed. I stumbled across this show on VH1 called "The Pickup Artist". The host of this show calls himself "Mystery" and he teaches guys how to pick up women... I won't spend much time talking about this, but rather, showing how I feel about what is going on here...

Mystery and Pamela Anderson shop at the same store:

Mystery and Special K must be besties with their "B.F.F." goggles. Whether they are going swimming or on an airplane ride, they look great in their World War II inspired eye wear!

Also, this guy has a ponytail, wears eyeliner and black nail polish, and lots of layered clothing... I'm all for helping people gain a little bit of confidence, but seriously? OK, guys rule #1, never take dating advice from someone who calls himself Mystery (are you kidding me?), especially if his two besties are named Matador and J Dawg. #2 Women like confidence and a good personality, not rehearsed lines spouted out like you're reading cue cards. Bottom line... whatever this guy tells you to do... Do the opposite.

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