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Weird. **


Look what I got

In case you didn't know I love Pepsi. It is "my own personal brand of Heroin"1.

I usually drink 1 can a day, which isn't terrible, but if I don't get at least 1 per day I get a migraine. I am truly an addict. Last night I was putting together my family's by-monthly shopping list, coupon-ing, etc. and I ran across Von's grocery store ad. I wasn't really planning on shopping today (not until about Saturday), but when I saw the following add...

Are you kidding me?!? Of course I had to go! I ended up buying 4 12 packs and getting 6 for free. The following structure is now sitting in our garage.

Here are the Statistics:
Total Value: $59.90
Total Spent: $20.96

That's right I now have 120 cans of Pepsi. This will literally last me until Thanksgiving!

1. Twilight pg. 268 ha ha

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1 comment:

  1. Wow that was a really great deal! My hubby drinks Mountain Dew and is the same way if he doesn't have it for a little while. I like Diet Pepsi. It is like my coffee in the morning!


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