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Signature Scents ;

We all know that scent is the strongest of the 5 senses linked to memory. Isn't it fun when you smell something and are instantly reminded of something, or someone? I love shopping for perfume/cologne and stumbling across one that smells like someone I know! I own about 10 bottles of different perfumes, but I definitely have a "signature scent".

I am Ralph Lauren Romance.

Even with all of the other perfumes I wear, whenever people I am close to smell this, they are reminded of me.

My mom is Estee Lauder Beautiful.

She hasn't worn this perfume in about 10 years but to me it will always "smell like my mom!" It brings back memories of when I was little and my mom would get ready for church. For some reason I remember her in her slip and pantyhose. Now she has about 30 different bottles and wears a different perfume almost everyday, but none of them really smell like her...

My Grandma is Elizabeth Arden's Red Door.

Again, she hasn't worn this in about 10 years. She started wearing stuff from Bath & Body Works, and even my Romance, but whenever I'm in the mall and catch a whiff of Red Door, I smell my Grandma, and my memories take me back to her house in Albuquerque with Randy Travis music playing in the background.

These are just a few "signature scents" I know and love. What's yours? Or, for that matter, your loved ones'?

(PS remember, it's not your favorite smell, but the one that others recognize as "you".)

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1 comment:

  1. love romance! been wearing it for a few years now. girls at work always comment on it ... my husband doesnt. hmph.


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