** UPDATE: COMMENTS ARE WORKING! Just click the individual post title, you can't leave them on the main page.

Weird. **



Happy Holidays!  Do you all have your Christmas Shopping done?  I don't, in fact, I haven't even started... that's what I'm doing today!  Anyway, here's how I set up the drawing for the giveaway.

1.  First I made a numbered list of the objects I'm giving away (6 total)

2. Next I put these into Randomizer.org so I would know what order I would be giving them away in.

3.  Next I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with the names of the people that entered.  Since I only received 4 entries, I wanted a little more variety with the numbers.  So I entered each person 25 times (A total of 100 possible winners).  I simply listed the names in the order they commented over and over again.  For the full list click the photo.

4. Next, I put those numbers into Randomizer.org.

5.  Lastly I matched up the order of the objects with the order of the names drawn.  Tada, we have our winners!

Congratulations, I hope to put your stuff in the mail this morning and hopefully you'll have them before Christmas!

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1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!! I'm excited :)

    hope your christmas shopping went well. I need help coupon-ing any suggestions?


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