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Weird. **


Lunch Ladies

I met up with two of my very best friends today for lunch, Sierra and Natalie.  It was great.  We caught up, and talked for over an hour.  I miss them like crazy.  After talking about what everyone is doing with their lives, I left lunch with only two thoughts on my mind:

1.  What the heck am I doing with my life? 
2.  This was the kick-in-the-pants-motivation I needed right now. 

Sierra's 2nd Wedding Reception,  May 2005.  Back row: Justin Toranzo, Andy Gums, Chris Dowler, Colby Green, Steven Trochinski, Evan Green.  Front Row: Morgan Green, Sierra "Thomas" Murry, Natalie Grimaldo, Toni "Ellis" Ludlow.

If you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about here's a clue.  Sierra's little sis, who is three years younger then me, has a PhD!  My other friend who I've known since 4th grade, graduates medical school this May (we started college college and were even in General Biology at the same time.)  I am 26, and still working for that Bachelor's... Wah wah wah.  Granted, I took a total of 4 years off, and I have had to work to pay for school by myself, which not a lot of my high school classmates/ friends had to do. 

It's tough!  For the life of me I don't know how it is accomplished in 4 years, and yet people do it all the time!  I was inspired by the success and progress of my friends, and am so determined to finish school with a bang, take the MCAT's next summer, and get my butt to Medical School! 

I am disobeying direct orders from Natalie to not post this picture on my blog.  Oopsie, it slipped!

Seriously girls thank you so much for the inspiration today!  Sierra graduated with I believe a Finance Degree, Aced the LSAT's and is now kicking butt as a Super-mom/wife.  And Natalie has an Accounting Degree and is doing her thing in the Fashion industry!

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  1. Sad I am the only left out of the lunch ladies pic. Hope you girls had fun!! I might be in vegas sometime this month, we gotta get together so Im not missing from the pic this time :) Enjoy single life while you can girl and don't fret.Just live life and have fun!!!

  2. So much fun!!! It was great to catch up! I agree with Toni though!! It will come, don't be in a rush! And I still can't believe my wedding was 5 years ago!! Yikes! Thanks for today!
    PS-- I think you can enable comments below your posts either in the settigs on your dashboard or on the post before you publish it on the bottom it say enable comments I think.


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