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The Club

Did every girl have a babysitter's club growing up?  I did.  Only, I wasn't actually a part of a "babysitting club," per se... Not like in the books anyway.  Those girls were way too business savvy for their own good and for their age...  My next door neighbor and I told each other one day that we would start a baby sitting club, and I don't think any of us ever actually babysat anyone except family members... For free.  Success.

Growing up, my evenings and weekends were often occupied by sports, school, and a very large group of friends.  In high school I taught swim lessons to three, four, and five year olds, so getting paid to be with kids wasn't a top priority after already doing it for five hours every day. 

Tonight, I had my first official babysitting job in over ten years.  It was so fun.  "Aunt Morgan" got in trouble for feeding the kids GI-GANTOR cupcakes with blue frosting and sprinkles... right before bed.  I also got in trouble for giving a two year old a bottle of blue nail polish.... What?  I didn't think she knew how to open it.  There are only three small spots... on the carpet... "Weren't you planning on replacing it soon?"  Ooopsie.

Frosting face got a hold of some scissors and had to get a 18th-century-boy-style haircut...  Last week... not on my watch... that would have been BAD!

We had a fashion show, and Big M played with my very new, very expensive boots, until I couldn't take it anymore and made her play in her Disney Princess sparkly high heels.  Little M and I "wore our sunglasses at night."  The best part?  Little M started talking!  She can even say my name, "Fur."  It's precious.  I made $10 and got a frog sticker and a free Vitamin Water!  SCORE!  What a great way to spend a Friday night!

Pippy-Blue-Face in my Steve Madden Boots

Corey Haim meets Tiny Tim.  She would not take them off.

Overall, I thought the evening was a success.  I can't figure out why I didn't get more gigs as a teenageer...
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