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Idol, Mixing Patterns, & Everybody Everywear

I have only ever sat through one entire season of American Idol.  It was the first season, and my best friend was dating my brother.  She would come over and watch the show every week.  Normally, I just watch the awesomeness that is the audition rounds and the finale.  Last week, I learned that my office does a corporate wide Idol pool.  We have 13 offices across the country, and so far the main winnings are up to $3,000.00! 

Apparently, I just have to pick who I think will win first, second and third place.  I can also submit my vote for who will go home weekly for extra money and prizes.  I have to enter my top three picks by Monday, as well as submit my $20.00 buy in.  I think I have my top three narrowed down, but I'm not entirely sure.  I missed the girl's competition last week, and am now kicking myself.

Bad Face Day.  I am exhausted and sleep deprived.  Thank you mid-terms.

In other news, last night I went to FHE for the first time in over a year.  For those who don't know, us Mormons have designated Monday nights "family night."  I go to a singles ward, and everyone is between18-30 and unmarried; therefore, we don't have "families."  For us, Family Home Evening usually consists of a quick spiritual lesson followed by an activity and food.  Last night we played beach volleyball.  It was the whole reason I decided to go.  I love food, but I L♥VE beach volleyball.

Because it was freezing outside, and quite windy, we played in our church's gym... with beach balls.  It was really fun, but there are always those people who take the game way too seriously.  I mean we were playing indoors with a giant, light as air beach ball and people spiking and power serving the ball.  They would yell at their teammates for messing up, and get really into keeping score.  It was hilarious.  I was in a skirt and high heels, and my team ended up winning.  Today, my wrists and forearms are really sore.  I guess it is worth it knowing that my-having-fun beat out their-being-serious 15-6.  Oh yea!

Polka Dots | Everybody, Everywear

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  1. Love your polkas with the feminine blouse...really cute outfit:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  2. Anonymous3/09/2011

    Oooh, the pattern mixing works so nicely here with the lighter tones.
    Thanks for joining us at EBEW!
    The Auspicious Life

  3. You ROCK those dots Girl! :) Greetings from a fellow polka girl from EBEW!


    P.S: I'm giving away a $500 FOLEY + CORINNA bag for my blog's Birthday! Would love to see you joining the fun! :D

  4. gah! i LOOOOOOVE this pattern mixing. so feminine and classy and utterly adorable. seriously. now i'm on the hunt for brown-and-ivory polka dots like this. annnnd a sweet floral top. heh.
    good luck with mid-terms.
    http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (daily outfit blog)

  5. @Brittney
    Thanks! The skirt is from the Limited and the top is Candies by Kohls (Jrs. dept). I got them both very recently if you're looking.

  6. Thanks so much every one! I was really nervous about the mix and felt a little silly all day!

  7. The two prints are gorgeous by themselves but together they pop! LOVE.


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