** UPDATE: COMMENTS ARE WORKING! Just click the individual post title, you can't leave them on the main page.

Weird. **


The First One's Free

Remember how I offered to do free photo sessions this year?  Well I have had zero bookings in relation to that promotion.  ZERO.

However, I have had 6 bookings this past week from people at work who saw this photo and decided they need updated family photos, engagement photos, and new baby pictures.  Looks like I'm going to be quite busy for awhile.

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  1. I'd totally take you up on your offer if I was in Vegas. Maybe when we visit we can schedule something. If not photos, its time to have a reunion!!!!

  2. I totally would have jumped on that promo...except I live several states away. :)

  3. Congrats! I hope that you get even busier bringing home the bacon.


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