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Miss Priss Beauty Poll April 27

1. Mood:  I am so sleepy.  I had a nightmare last night about zombies and it woke me up around three o'clock.  I was too scared to go back to sleep after that, so I stayed up watching infomercials until I had to get ready for work.  Stinkin' zombies.

2. Do you like wearing white in the spring/summer months?  Is there anything better than white clothing against tan skin?  My answer is no.  I love wearing white.  It looks so cool, so crisp, and so fashionable.  I have 4 pairs of white pants/capris/shorts, and numerous white shirts.  To be honest, most of my summer tops are white, because white doesn't show sweat... and I sweat a lot

3. How do you get yourself out of a bad mood?  Lately I have been feeling the stress of being a full time employee, a full time student and a hobbyist photographer.  I have found that rocking out to *NSYNC really helps!  Corny I know, but seriously, guys I hope you're contemplating a reunion tour/album, and doing it soon.

4. Do you remember the last time you used a hula hoop?  I used a hula hoop on Easter weekend.  I seriously scored with the Easter Bunny and got seeds for my garden, a kite and a hula hoop instead of the dreaded candy.  I played with it for a long time.  We even had a hula hoop competition, and I am still the reigning champion.  Have I mentioned that I have won every hula hoop competition I have ever been in since 1st grade?  Want to challenge me?  C'mon, I dare you...

5. What’s your favorite place to buy makeup?  I don't have a favorite place, pretty much any place that sells makeup is my favorite place, because it depends on what I'm looking for.

6. Did someone teach you how to shave your legs, or was it something you figured out on your own?  Here is the million dollar question, and Mom, if you're reading, don't get mad.  I wasn't allowed to shave my legs, even when all of my girlfriends started doing so in the 5th grade.  My parents thought I was still too young.  The summer from 6th - 7th grade, all of my friends and I got  Wet'n'Wild season passes, and I realized, if I was going to be there all summer, something had to be done.  I decided to shave my legs, without instructions, or anyone teaching me.  I learned quickly - the hard way - that I didn't need to push the razor against my leg, as this causes severe bleeding and ugly scars.  I continued to shave them for the entire summer.  Once school started again, I knew I'd get in trouble if my mom saw my naked legs, and she was sure to since I home a lot after school, and in our city, we wear shorts until November.  About a week into 7th grade, my mom noticed that my legs were pretty hairy, so she taught me to shave them the right way. 

7. A fictional TV character you’d like to hang out with?  The Salvatore brothers from Vampire Diaries.  They are so freaking handsome, and they both have pretty great personalities too.  I'd give old Elaina the boot and take her place so the two of them could fight over me.  My dream is to be in a Stephen-Morgan-Damon sandwich.  *sigh*  Awesome.

8. Solid perfumes: yea or nay?  I have never tried one... 

9. An article of clothing in your closet that you NEVER wear?  I have a really cute khaki colored blazer that I've never worn.  It's been sitting on its hanger for over five years.  I can't part with it because it's so cute, and I always think, "I'll wear that soon," but I never do.

10. Weekly goals:  Study!  I have finals in a few weeks, and I really, really need to start studying.

How is everyone on this glorious Hump Day?!  I feel like my week is really dragging.  I picture it almost like an old fashioned, slow motion, horror film, where I'm slowly being sucked into a black hole, or pit of lava or something.  Only, the black hole is actually Finals Week, and I'm clinging on to the ledge - metephor for "not studying."  Grr.  At least it's almost over... for now.

Your Turn
Fill this out and post it in the comments or on your own blog.  Be sure to link back!

1. Mood:
2. Do you like wearing white in the spring/summer months?
3. How do you get yourself out of a bad mood?
4. Do you remember the last time you used a hula hoop?
5. What’s your favorite place to buy makeup?
6. Did someone teach you how to shave your legs, or was it something you figured out on your own?
7. A fictional TV character you’d like to hang out with?
8. Solid perfumes: yea or nay?
9. An article of clothing in your closet that you NEVER wear?
10. Weekly goals:

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