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Big Girl Shoes

Today I reached Adulthood.

Well, not really, but I did make my very first Adult-like Accomplishment. {I've always been a bit of a late bloomer.} Today I paid off my car!

My parents bought me my very first car for my 18th Birthday my senior year of high school. {Because they bought through the car auction, they were able to buy all three of us cars for the price most of our friends' parents spent on one.}

My first car, Kiki, was a stick shift.  Awesome.

This is what we saw when my mom drove us home from school that day.

A very small Gibber-snibs posing with our cars. 

When I went to college in Reno, my parents didn't think I was an "experienced enough driver" to handle snowy roads, so I had to leave my car home... While I was away, they sold it because it wasn't doing any good just "rotting in the driveway." When I came home, I drove my brother's car for 2 years while he was on his mission.

Then, when he came home, it was time for me to get my own car. I went to our Credit Union, and was approved for a loan! I bought this car all by myself and paid for it too. Today, Dora is mine! Hooray!

I worked out my car payments so that I could stroll into the Credit Union and slide a $1.00 bill across the counter for my final payment.

Tada! I am a car owner! I was a little shocked by the lack of enthusiam on everyone else's part. I practically walked out the doors jumping and singing and everyone else in the bank acted like it was just another day. No balloons, no streamers, no cowbell, or confettii falling from the celing. They didn't even give me the Car Title. I figured they would hand me the title, as if it were a certificate, so as to say, "Congratulations-on-your-humungous-and-very-adult-like-accomplishment." But no. So instead of taking my photo in front of my car, with my car title, as planned, I just held up my keys!

To celebrate, I bought myself some cute key chains,

...and then I treated myself to a Root Beer and Gibber-snibbs to a Dr. Pepper. {He was, after all, so nice to come with me and take pictures.}

We are such party animals! {Hooray for blurry pictures taken by the neighbor!}

I am so excited... What a great day!

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  1. Yay! That is very exciting. I've never owned a single car long enough to pay it off =)

    PS: Is it bad I just realized how to comment on your new layout? Now I can comment on all your fun posts again!

  2. haha i LOVE the picture of you guys getting out of the suburban. totally captures your expressions! AND it shows off all of your guys' awesome style ;)


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