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The Perfume Spot dot Com

For Christmas this year, I decided I would ask for some perfume, Vera Wang's Princess to be exact.  Sadly, I didn't get it...  The reason was the price tag.  For example, on my list I suggested the would-be-buyer purchase at Ulta.  I had included online coupon codes, but also gave my mom store couons; still this is Ulta's going rate:

After Christmas, I was determined to have this perfume, so I did a little shopping around.  First to Nordstrom:

Then to Dillards, where I have always bought my mom perfume in Christmas' past:

Lastly I  checked Sephora:

I was a little discouraged.  1.7 oz is hardly a "sip" {it's barely a "taste" in wine-speak for crying out loud}.  I was forced to ask myself, "How badly do I want to smell like waterlily, amber and pink guava???"

I then remembered a website I'd visited years ago, while Evan was on his mission.  He had asked me for a cologne that in no way was I able to afford back then ($100.00 for a small bottle).  Wanting to please my homesick-stinky brother, I searched the internet tirelessly until I discovered theperfumespot.com.


This is the website for any fragrance-junkie, male or female.  While they don't have everything, they do have most of the popular fragrances.  It was here that I found my Princess:

Yes, it's true!  No I did not pay almost $60.00 for 1.7 oz of sweetness, I paid almost $53.00 for 3.4 oz of Princess, a tiny "because-I-need-to-carry-something-else-in-my-purse" 0.13 oz Princess, and a 5.0 oz Princess body lotion (which retailed at Dillards for $32.00)!  I got 3 products for less than the price of 1/2 of one! 

Just to show the difference between 1.7 oz and 3.4 oz.  Thank goodness I didn't pay $57.00 for the smaller one, what a deal I got!

$53.00 for the above perfume, the lotion and this little one to go in my purse... It's so cute!

I am so glad I found such a great deal.  I love perfumes, but being a poor-college-student, I can't endulge with expensive prices.  I've worn Princess almost everyday since it arrived on my doorstep, it's blissful.  Next up: Viva La Juicy and NYC by SJP (not yet released, but I smelled it in Vogue magazine, and it's crazy awesome).

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