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Weird. **


What did people do before computers?

This was me on December 23...

My laptop is always plugged in, so imagine my confusion when I got a little bing-bong message from said computer asking me to plug it into a power source because the battery life was at 5%....


I took it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy, and of course they found no problems with it.  In fact the computer charged when they plugged it in.  I took it home and tried EVERY SINGLE outlet in my house, and garage... Nothing.  Finally, the battery died, and my laptop would no longer turn on.  The Geek at Best Buy during my second visit suggested I purchase a new power cord... for a measly $105.00...


I found one on Ebay for $7.80, shipping included.  It arrived yesterday, and after about 4 hours I went to Power On my computer. 

{Drumroll Please...}

A quick flash of lights, and... nothing.  I decided to call Hewlett Packard and see if they could help.  After much explaining they were able to help me with the diagnosis.

"I have bad news," said Michael, my customer service rep.  "It seems there's a problem with your Motherboard..."

That is bad news.  Without a motherboard the computer doesn't exist.  "So basically I need to buy a new computer?" I asked, annoyed and on the verge of tears.

It turns out my Laptop is still under warranty for 42 more days!  I knew I hadn't had it for a full year...  HP is sending me a box so that I can send in my laptop at no charge to me.  They will then try to repair it, but if they can't I will be receiving a brand new laptop!  The whole process will take about 3 weeks (that was a disappointment to hear), but this is THE BEST customer service I've ever heard of. 

In the meantime, I'll try to post from the random computers of family members.

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