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Skinny Jeans

I am not very stylish.  I usually wear a t-shirt and jeans everyday.  Today, however, I thought I put together a pretty cute ensamble.

AND... I finally found a pair of skinny jeans that actually fit me like skinny jeans should!!!  I own 6 pairs and none of them are "skinny" they are all "baggy-skinny jeans," as evidenced by this post.  The best part about my new pantalones is that they only cost $7.50 at Forever 21.


I even have this cutie-patootie cocktail ring to top things off...

Happy Hump Day!

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  1. 6 dollars!? Holy crap I wish we had Forever 21 here!

    and they are super cute!! I LOVE skinny jeans. Mine are definitely my favorite pair of jeans I own. I feel like they make me look longer and skinnier

    oh!! and I got my bath stuff last week! I cant wait to try it out. (even in my tiny tub haha)

  2. SOOOOOOOOOO cute! You are so beautiful!

  3. Anonymous3/11/2010

    OH MY WOW!!! Can you say Hot stuff!!!! OW OW!!! Love the outfit! From the top of your hair to the bottom of your boots, you look so gorgeous! Also love the nail polish and the cocktail ring!!!

  4. I have a love/hate relationship with skinny jeans. Pretty much I Love them on everyone else...hate them on me! ha ha I actually bought a pair about two weeks before I found out I was pregnant, so I was only able to wear them once!! But i actually really liked them, so I am hoping i can fit back into them while skinny jeans are still in ha ha I tried on some skinny-maternity jeans....they looked SO bad!! Everyone else liked them, but i figure I'm having body image issues enough at this point, that I'll just stick to what I know :D nice buy though, $7!


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