** UPDATE: COMMENTS ARE WORKING! Just click the individual post title, you can't leave them on the main page.

Weird. **


Giveaway Winner Announced

The winner of the Hump Day Giveaway from last week is:

Congratulations, Sara!  Sara is married to Evan's (my brother) favorite mission companion ever, Nathan!  Nate and Evan were companions for a long time, I think 6 months or so- which is usually unheard of. Even after transfers they kept ending up as companions!  They even named their little boy Evan after my brother, and he's SOO cute!  I'm still finding adding some little things to your prize, but if you e-mail with your address, I'll send it later this week!  Hope all is well! 

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  1. WHAT?!?! I can't believe it! I've never won a giveaway, ever! How exciting! I was mostly just leaving a comment to tell you how cute you looked that day :)

  2. So, apparently I'm a dud and can't find your email on the site? Maybe send me yours and I'll reply with our address. Thanks! s.e.fuller@aggiemail.usu.edu


I love comments, so tell me what you think!